Sunday, August 1, 2010

Carrots and Sticks

At a meeting today, each participant was asked to describe his/her strengths.  I decided to use a description given to me by one of my students several months ago.

"Most professors," he said, "have carrots and sticks, and they're different.  But you... you're pretty much all carrots.  And even your sticks look like carrots."

This made me laugh out loud at first, but then I decided that it's a great way to be remembered.

1 comment:

  1. That's an AWESOME description! You rock! I just wish that someday I could be considered the "carrot professor" too. Sigh. I guess it also depends a lot on the subject (and level) which one teaches. I'm afraid my students will begin to be upset with me when I start grading their quizzes and tests. :-(
